Title of the practice:

TEACHING RECORD. IASE, Aizawl has taken the participation of the students in the governance of the institution to the level that they have a say in the process of curriculum delivery in the institution. Maintenance of teaching records by the Student Representatives ensures regularity of the teachers of the institution in classroom interaction.


Maintenance of teaching records by the Student Representatives has the following objectives: –

  1. To ensure the participation of the students in the governance of the institution

  2. To keep detailed record of the regularity and time management of teachers.

  3. To avoid teacher absenteeism in the institution.


Institute of Advanced studies in Education (IASE), Mizoram is one of the most renowned, prominent and prestigious teacher education institution in Mizoram. Labelled as a ‘Model IASE’’ in the country by Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Teacher Education (CSSTE) Evaluation conducted by TATA Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai and sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, the institution has been consistently striving for improvement in different quality indicators of teacher education. Maintenance of weekly teaching records by the Student Representatives in each classroom has been adopted by the institution to ensure students’ participation in the teaching learning transaction.

This practice is mainly adopted by the institution to ensure transaction effective and maximal learning and curb the problems that may arise due to teacher irregularity and absenteeism. There could be valid reasons for a teacher to be away from the classroom as the institution discharges many other functions. However, the institutional organisation system provide for advanced notification in such cases. Regardless of the reason, an education system can suffer a lot when there are high levels of teacher absence and lead to wasted time, energy and resources. To ensure consistency and regularity in teaching-learning process which otherwise is a serious threat to quality learning, teaching record is being maintained by the Students’ Representatives of all the classes.


The institution has developed teaching record book that is to be maintained by the student representatives of all the classes of the institution. The teaching record book consists of a booklet where the Students’ Representatives enter the following information:

  1. The first page has a space where the Students’ Representatives can fill up the required details of specific group;

  2. The second page consists of space where the Students’ Representatives can enter the subject and the name of the subject teacher for all working days of the week;

  3. All the sheets provide space where the Students’ Representatives, the Head of Department and the Principal of the institution countersign the daily record maintained by the class representatives.

At the beginning of the semester, instructions on the proper and accurate ways of maintaining the record book are given to all the class representatives. The teaching records are submitted on the last working day of the week and again given out at the beginning of every week to the class representatives. The teaching records are submitted to the IQAC co-coordinator for endorsement and then countersigned by the Principal of the institution.

The Principal calls for explanation from teachers who happen to be absent from their classes without permitted or valid reasons after proper review of the weekly teaching records.

Problems encountered and Resources Required

The teaching record maintained by the class representative of IASE is very effective in curbing unreported teacher absenteeism in the institution and ensures quality curriculum delivery. Despite the positive impact it has on improving the quality of the institution, the following problems and challenges has been faced:

  1. The class representatives sometimes missed out on updating the teaching record books when both the class representatives are absent on the same day.

  2. Some of the class representatives fail to discharge their duties properly in regularly and appropriately filling in the weekly teaching record books and submit the same on time. This has sometimes caused delay in follow up actions taken by the Principal when problem arises.


Title of the practice

CONSULTANCY SERVICES. Teaching is a noble job and it requires skills, knowledge and expertise of pedagogical practices. A teacher must be dynamic enough to be able to adjust according to the need of the students. The resource offered by IASE in the form of pedagogical skills and professional expertise is extremely valid for other organisations, academies, agencies and institution.. Outsourcing of the professional knowledge to is carried out through IASE Consultancy Services.


Provision of consultancy services in the institution has the following aims and objectives: –

  1. To outsource professional expertise specifically the pedagogical knowledge and skills to other organisations, institutions and agencies and other professional bodies.

  2. To collaborate and work with other educational bodies for the improvement in pedagogy, methodology, curriculum, syllabus and other related issues.

  3. To organize and conduct State/Regional/National Level Workshops, Conferences, Refresher Courses and Orientations Course for enhancement and updation of different professional groups.


One of the key functions of Institute of Advanced studies in Education (IASE), Mizoram is to work towards quality teacher education. The professional expertise of the institution specifically the pedagogical knowledge is invaluable to many institutions particularly in the higher education within the State. As the main agency and institution capable of providing professional support service in the field of education, Consultancy services have been extended to organisations and agencies requiring such services through workshops, Conferences, Refresher Courses, Orientations Courses, in-service teacher training, special pedagogy classes as well as provision of human resources.


The professional expertise of Institute of Advanced Studies in Education within Mizoram is invaluable to many institutions and agencies within the State. Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Mizoram set up a committee ‘Consultancy Services’ to take up the charge of coordinating rendering the professional expertise to other institutions and agencies and to discharge other functions mentioned in the objectives of the consultancy services provided by the Institution.

For outsourcing Professional Expertise, the institutions, organizations or agencies in need of the services approach the head of the institutions, viz, the Principal stating their requirement. The deliberation and planning of the programme or the services as per the need of the agencies requiring the services to be provided is worked out by the Consultancy Services Committee. The worked out programme is conducted and executed by the Committee.

Some of consultancy services provided by the institution to the other agencies are as follows:

  • Special pedagogy courses for Master of Theology (M.Th) II Semester students of Aizawl Theological Colleges and Academy of Integrated Christian Studies.

  • Special pedagogy Class Mizoram Government Undergraduate Colleges, Academy of Paramedical Technology and Regional Institute of Paramedical and Nursing Science (RIPAN).

  • Capacity building programme for teachers of Mizoram Institute of Comprehensive Education, Venghlui, Aizawl.

The institution in collaboration with RMSA coordinates and conducts in-service teacher education programme for existing secondary school teachers working in Government, Government Aided and RMSA Schools within Aizawl District under RMSA scheme for Social Studies, Mizo, English and Mathematics every year. The deliberation and planning of training according to the need of secondary schools and necessary academic support worked out by the institution are being extended by the Consultancy Service Committee.

The Consultancy Service Committee holds meeting every month assessing the kind, nature, type and need for conducting workshops and other professional development programmes. According to the availability of funds and time, workshop and other professional development programme are worked out and conducted by the Committee.

Problems encountered and Resources Required

The faculty of Institute of Advanced Studies in Education provide the needed human resources for all the consultancy services provided to the needy institution. Financial requirement are usually met from the service charge from the agencies requiring the services. Faculty shortage sometimes restrict the longevity and duration of the programmes. The following are the difficulty faced by the institution in providing the consultancy services:

  1. Due to the tight pre-determined academic calendar set by Mizoram University, extension of consultancy services is limited to semester break and during suspension of regular classes or when academic load of the regular programme is lighter.

  2. Insufficient funds and lack of funding for Professional Development Programmes has imposed restrictions on the institution’s capability in coordinating and conducting the required Professional Development Programmes and working out relevant academic support to the secondary schools in the state.

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