The Two-Year B.Ed Multimode Course designed by Institute of Advanced Study in Education (IASE) Aizawl is a Special Innovative Programme introduced in 2015 to clear the backlog of untrained In-Service teachers of High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools in Mizoram. The proposal and Course design submitted by IASE was closely examined by a Committee of experts constituted by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), New Delhi in the light of the Norms and Standards for Bachelor of Teacher Education Programme leading to B.Ed Degree and was subsequently approved in November 2014. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed with the State Government vide the Directorate of School Education, where upon a good working rapport has since been maintained which has effectively ensured the operationalisation and continued fluidity of the Programme.
It is pertinent to state here that Mizoram among other States, is extremely fortunate to be the only State in the Country running the B.Ed Multimode Programme. Inspite of the innumerable delays, hitches and hurdles constantly faced, IASE Multimode Programme has proved to be a wonderful blessing to the teaching community and profession in the State and will be a memorable feature etched in the history of Education in Mizoram for all years to come.