Selected Candidates for Ph. D Programme for the 2024 session
August 8, 2024
It is hereby notified that the following have been selected for admission to the Ph. D Programme for the 2024 session:
Sl no |
Name |
Father’s Name |
1 |
Annie Zothansangi |
H Lalthlangliana |
2 |
C. Lallawmawmi |
Lalhmuakliana Chawngthu |
3 |
C. Lalrinchhani |
C Laltana |
4 |
Lalbuatsaiha Hauhnar |
Lalchhuanmawia Hauhnar |
5 |
Lalhruaitluangi Sailo |
Lalhmingthanga Sailo |
6 |
Lallawmkima |
R K Lalramtana (L) |
7 |
M.C Rohlupuia |
M C Duhthanga |
8 |
Vanlaltluangi |
C Lalengzauva |
The following persons are also selected as panelists in case the above persons fail to complete the necessary procedures within the stipulated period:
Sl no |
Name |
Father’s Name |
1 |
Lalhriatpuii |
Thanhlira |
2 |
Lallawmsiami Sailo |
Ngurliana Sailo |
3 |
Lalramngheta |
PC Laldinpuia |
All selected candidates must report to the Principal of IASE at 10:00 am on the 5th of August, 2024.
Institute of Advanced Studies in Education
Aizawl, Mizoram